Why Women Should Own Guns

By Alexandra Brown


While most people spend their 21st birthday at a bar, eagerly awaiting their first legal alcoholic beverage, I spent mine applying for a concealed carry weapons (CCW) permit. As the daughter of a former police officer, I planned to acquire one as soon as I became eligible. Finding myself alone in an urban college town, I started thinking more about self-defense options.

As I watched news broadcasts of violent riots ravaging once peaceful and prosperous American cities, the case for private gun ownership seemed all the more compelling. Rather than depend on the capricious whims of the defund-the-police movement and the incoming Biden administration, I decided to take my personal security into my own hands. At this point, gun safety protocol was practically etched into my brain from many years of training at the range with my dad, so I felt prepared to make the move. For many carriers, owning a firearm enables more personal responsibility, independence, and a greater sense of protection. 

While gun ownership is our constitutional right by American citizenship, the female empowerment argument for bearing arms is little discussed. Considering the biological physical disparity between most men and women, a gun compensates for women’s disadvantage in brute force strength. In other words, gun ownership is the great equalizer for gender inequality. If you’re a female considering purchasing a firearm or attaining a CCW permit, I hope this piece is illuminating.

While I wish women didn’t have to fear getting into an Uber or going for an evening run, being realistic can save many lives. We do our best not to put ourselves in risky situations, but sometimes they’re just unavoidable. Maybe you have to take a night class on campus and walk home alone in the dark. Perhaps you’re on a long drive and have to pull into a rest stop. This is where owning a gun can be useful. It doesn’t mean that you should throw caution to the wind, but it does allow you to assert ownership over your life, without the crutch of relying on others for your defense. Instead of waiting for a trusted friend to join you for a drive or to accompany you on your walk home, you can feel confident enough to live your life unconstrained and unafraid of potential threats. 

At most universities, it is illegal to carry a weapon on campus. That is why I tend to keep my gun either in my apartment or in my car, depending on where I am going. As we know, college towns are hotbeds for crimes against women, from abduction, to assault, to sex trafficking. Most of us live alone or with other college-aged girls who are targets for break-ins or stalkers. I am comforted by the fact that my firearm affords me an extra layer of security, especially since police response time can be unreliable. While on average it takes ten minutes for the police to arrive at the scene, ten minutes is an eternity in a life or death situation. 

With the current climate against police and the Biden administration’s sympathy for radical defund-the-police initiatives, law enforcement will likely be strapped for resources to meet the needs of their jurisdictions in the future. Given this unfortunate fact, it’s crucial to know how to protect yourself in the event of an emergency. Knowing how to wield a firearm is perhaps the best deterrent for criminals and safeguard for yourself. 

Before you buy a gun or apply for a CCW permit, it’s important to note that the regulations for gun ownership and the process of getting a permit differ from state to state. Look here for information about your state’s policies. Any CCW permit will require you to take a gun safety course and pass a background check. However, the mandated gun safety course you enroll in alone cannot prepare you to own or use a gun. You must practice using your firearm at the range and get comfortable with it. Many ranges offer in-person lessons or tactical courses. There are various YouTube channels and online resources that show you strategies and tips for using and concealing your weapon. 

Additionally, there are many brands that cater to gun-toting women by offering clothes with built-in holsters. Check out our interview with Amy Robbins, the owner of Alexo Athletica to get a glimpse into how to practically conceal a weapon.

A gun can only help you if you are equipped to use it. Otherwise, one mishap can escalate into a precarious or dangerous incident that could unnecessarily hurt you or others. Whether you plan to carry in public or keep your firearm at home, steps must be taken to ensure that no accidents occur. Keeping it in a secure place out of reach from others, keeping the safety on, or leaving it in a secure holster can help prevent them. 

In the 21st century, women have the financial and physical independence to take control of their lives. A firearm can increase women’s opportunities and freedom tenfold, giving them the power to defend themselves and their families without limitations. As a college student trying to make the most out of these four short years, I am grateful for my CCW permit and the security it affords me. I no longer have to miss out on evening club meetings, interesting classes, or a fun night on the town out of fear. Instead, I feel empowered and liberated to live my life on my own terms.

Photo via @govkristinoem


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