The Abolition of Women

By Christian Tippins

I never thought I'd live to see the day when "what is a woman" is an actual question that some people find difficult to answer. By biblical standards, women are the natural companions to men. What men lack in one area, women are designed to make up for, and vice versa—a perfect dynamic. Biology also proves this, with women having XX chromosomes and men having XY. In simple terms: women are not men, and men are not women.

Never in history has this been a concept people failed to understand. It was and still should be common sense. Humans and animals alike are divided into two genders. Even someone like Richard Dawkins, who won't admit that there is a God, can acknowledge that biological sex has not suddenly ceased to exist because the woke crowd has deemed it out-of-fashion like side parts and skinny jeans. However, progressivism has made a point of dismissing things like common sense and basic biology for a while now, so, unfortunately, it's not that surprising that so much of society has seemed to have lost its mind.

It's bizarre that women, who fought to be treated as equals by men, have had their mission hijacked by "feminists" of the modern era, who want to be relegated to second place once again in the name of "equality." It's an ebb and flow of disrespect that they can't see, and anytime someone dares point out many of the glaring issues, they get called a TERF, or trans-exclusionary radical feminist.

J.K. Rowling is one of the most high-profile victims of this deflective name-calling. It doesn’t matter that she is woke enough for the progressive world ninety-five percent of the time. That five percent, in which the acclaimed author accurately points out how dangerous it is to be putting men who claim to be women in women spaces, earns her cancellation. That five percent is the one the woke crowd can't forgive. They won't acknowledge the reports of women in prison getting sexually assaulted or raped by the inmates with fully-functioning male genitalia. Instead of prioritizing the safety of the female inmates, prisons are so focused on making the confused feel "comfortable" that they leave the female inmates nearly defenseless.

On the less terrifying side of the spectrum, but still just as bad, are men who believe themselves to be women competing in women's sports. Young women train so hard to participate in their own areas, which were denied them in the past. Throwing someone who is biologically male into the mix is not and never will be fair. If I had chosen the athlete path, I'd be more than livid. In one fell swoop, scholarships and opportunities are taken away from these women because society has flipped its lid and decided up means down, and men can be women.

This "inclusionary" feminist movement has even tried to destroy arguably the most sacred aspect of female identity: motherhood. Women are specially designed to create, carry, and nurse children. It is a gift. In many ways, it's a superpower. Without us, life would cease to exist. But once again, in the name of "inclusivity," the terminology has been changed, eroding what it means to be a woman. No matter how much progressives want it to be true, or how often they say it: men cannot get pregnant, and men cannot have children. The words chest-feeding and birthing person are not making the world better but instead erasing women and motherhood from the picture.

In a roundabout way, one could even note that this started when drag became a normal kind of entertainment. When you think about it, how is the act of men dressing up as an exaggerated version of women a good thing? Didn't society wholly condemn this kind of show when they collectively stopped allowing black face and yellow face? People might argue that it's not to make fun of women, but that doesn't seem to be true at face value. These men slap on an obnoxious face full of makeup, contour on fake breasts, wear dresses and high heels, and then call themselves queens to please a crowd. Is that all these men think women are? Big boobs and a cake-face. But they can take it all off at the end of a performance. We can't.

When men who claim to be women make this declaration, it's often with the caveat that they don't believe they belong in the male body God gave them. That He got it wrong and that they feel that they are a woman. But what does "feeling" like a woman mean? You can't simply quote the Shania Twain song and call it a day. There must be something more.

What is these men's frame of reference for feeling like a woman? Wanting to wear dresses without judgment? Long hair? Wanting to date men? I don't think any of that cuts it. If anything, it might be more vagina envy to thoroughly butcher and simplify one of Freud's classic theories.

Men don't have it as easy as they used to. They're preemptively viewed as predators in some cases, assumed to be victimizers in others, and especially if they're a white male, they are the most "privileged" and the source of everyone's problems. It's not true, but the woke population is undoubtedly trying to make people think it is. For the longest time, appropriate masculinity has been pushed aside for a butchered version of effeminized men in touch with their feminine sides. From this perspective, it's easy to see how we got to this point. The only way to solve it is to save both women and men.

Men need to be raised to embrace their masculinity rather than value predominately feminine traits. They need to be taught to be strong in their manhood, no matter who they are, instead of encouraged to run away from it. Women don't need men who think they're women; we want men who know they're men and train and nurture it. And in the case of feminists, they need to get a clue and realize that the "patriarchy" they so vehemently despise has trojan-horsed themselves into their world. If their loyalty truly lies with the women they claim to champion, they've got to change their perspective.

Photo via Carl Court/AFP/Getty Images


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