Feminism: ACB Need Not Apply

By Caroline Downey

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Our pop culture and the Washington establishment celebrate women who smash through glass ceilings to become CEOs, astronauts, senators, and even Supreme Court justices. But to the Left, not all women are created equal. While progressives glorify powerful liberal women, they actively discredit or ignore their conservative counterparts. To be accepted by the liberal mob, you must conform to their ideology, no matter your impressive accomplishments. Therefore, it’s been incredibly frustrating for the Left that Amy Coney Barrett is President Trump’s latest Supreme Court pick. ACB is a top graduate of an elite law school, a revered professor, and an esteemed federal judge. She also is the mother of seven children, including two adoptees and one with special needs. As a devout conservative Catholic and pro-lifer, Barrett triggers a special kind of vitriol from the Left. Rather than celebrate Barrett’s stunning record and achievements, the Left made a Hail Mary attempt to cancel ACB, grasping at straws to vilify her faith and family. It resorted to desperate theatrics and absurd accusations, hosting a women’s march outside SCOTUS protesting her nomination and depicting her as a traitor to women, a racist, and a religious fanatic. Consequently, congressional Democrats subjected ACB to a political circus and an invasive inquisition rather than a judicial confirmation process. In contrast to this sideshow, one can only imagine how the hearings for Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s clone would have proceeded. 

The Left’s rampage to disqualify ACB has targeted her Catholic faith as public enemy #1, associating her and her pro-life stance with the dystopian novel, “The Handmaid’s Tale.” By now, Barrett— and Catholics in general— are well accustomed to this kind of religious bigotry. In 2017, ACB faced hostility during the confirmation hearings for her appointment to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) declared to Barrett, “... the dogma lives loudly within you. And that’s of concern.” Barrett has stated ad nauseum that her religious convictions and political beliefs will not factor into the impartial discharge of her duties as a judge. Yet liberals continue to make apocalyptic prophecies of reproductive ‘rights’ disappearing under Catholic’ zealot’ ACB on the bench. Besides promising to adhere to a binding precedent, ACB subscribes to the judicial philosophy of originalism. She explained, “A judge must apply the law as written. Judges are not policymakers, and they must be resolute in setting aside any policy views they might hold.” Rather than ACB, it’s liberals that peddle judicial activism, infusing their political ideology into the independent Supreme Court and U.S. Constitution. From these facts, we can only conclude one thing: the Left is weaponizing Amy Coney Barrett’s Catholicism as a fear-mongering tactic.

Fortunately, Hollywood extolled Amy Coney Barrett as a brave humanitarian for her international, interracial adoptions. Just kidding... that was liberal actress Angelina Jolie. In a reaction reeking of double standards, academics and pundits scrutinized ACB for bringing two Haitian children into her family. Democratic operative Dana Houle implied illegality in ACB’s adoptions. Subsequent tweets suggested that ACB could be a “child trafficker.” A Boston University professor smeared ACB as a “white colonizer” who uses her kids as pawns in a white savior complex. Pro-abortion internet trolls complained that Barrett failed to mention her special needs son’s abilities and talents, an ironic criticism, to say the least, from those who would have no problem extinguishing the life of a disabled child in the womb. Third-wave feminists were also offended by Amy Coney Barrett’s large family because feminist orthodoxy says it’s supposed to be impossible to achieve her massive success with one. In predictably boorish terms, progressive feminist author Lauren Hough likened ACB to a submissive “handmaid” with a “clown car vagina,” derisively snapping, “I’m excited for her to share her casserole recipe and some stain removal tips.” But while embittered Hough hides behind her Twitter handle, Barrett will soon be confirmed to serve on the land’s highest court. Again, one has to wonder whether Hough and her cronies would have insulted the large families of megastars Kris Jenner and Madonna with such vulgar epithets. The answer, of course, is no, because they stand on the Left. Feminist support for women is selective to those with whom they agree. And to conservative women with whom they disagree, feminists are vicious. 

Liberals are on a mad quest to sabotage one of the most qualified, intelligent, and unbiased prospective judges in U.S history. It is disheartening and disturbing to realize that the Left would never levy the same baseless charges against a liberal Supreme Court candidate. As Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) so accurately remarked at the hearing, “It’s really quite simple what your opponents are doing: they are attacking you – as a mom and a woman of faith – because they cannot attack your qualifications.” At the 2016 Democratic National Convention, former First Lady Michelle Obama delivered the cringe-worthy slogan, “When they go low, we go high.” But after stooping so low in its treatment of Amy Coney Barrett last week, the Left should be embarrassed that it still pretends to hold the moral high ground. 

Photo via Politico


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